Arabic 101 is a 5-credit course offered in the fall semester at the university of Michigan.

Course Objectives

The Arabic program at the University of Michigan adopts an integrated approach that trains students to
communicate in both MSA (fuSHa) and one spoken Arabic variety (3aammiyya, either Egyptian or Levantine) in one class. The general learning objectives for this semester are: 1) to speak using both 3aammiyya and fuSHa; 2) to listen and understand in both 3aammiyya and fuSHa; and 3) to read and write in fuSHa.

By the end of Arabic 101, you are expected to reach at least the novice-Mid level of proficiency in Arabic. To reach this goal you will be able to develop the following modes of communication:

  • Recognize and pronounce correctly all Arabic sounds, and to write words and phrases accurately with full vocalization from dictation;
  • Talk about yourself, your education, and your family with native speakers of Arabic accustomed to interacting with Arabic language learners;
  • Compose simple paragraphs about yourself and your family and friends;
  • Meet, greet and introduce yourself using rehearsed utterances and memorized formulae;
  • Exchange simple appropriate (holiday) greetings;
  • Ask and respond to basic questions in that use basic interrogative structures in the present tense.
  • Know the differences between formal and spoken Arabic, recognize both registers, and be able to use basic expressions in at least one dialect (either Egyptian or Levantine);
  • Identify basic personal information (full name, date and place of birth, occupation, address, etc.,) in written and audio formats;
  • Identify and name certain objects and places in your surroundings and everyday life such as classroom, campus, cities, homes, and countries;
  • Identify countries and capital cities in the Arab-speaking world presented in a geographic map.